
I did it. I waited until now (though there were some personal extenuating circumstances) to finish my Christmas shopping. Given my mortal fear of shopping, I had intended on doing most of my shopping online. I was encouraged by Amazon’s banner indicating that not only wasn’t I too late to shop, but that I could indeed still use Super Saver Shipping and still receive my order by Christmas so long as I ordered by today.

I went through, selected items eligible for SSS and placed my order. Bummer. A few of my items won’t arrive until after Christmas. Make that all of my 14 items wouldn’t make it until the 26th or later. Hmm. Try standard shipping. No soap, all of them showing up post-Christmas. Hmm again. How about two day shipping? Nope. Ok, the problem must be just one or two, select multiple shipments (at additional cost). Ah, Amazon, my savior! For only $140 on a $215 order, I can receive two of my 14 items on time.

I’m late making my order - I can accept that, but what is the point of trumpeting that you can save the day for us late shoppers if you don’t mean it?

No thanks, Amazon. I’ll be braving the crowds before I send you any money this year.


Borders - the good, old, brick and mortar version - came through. One trip over lunch and I ended up with just about everything I wanted from Amazon (a bit more here, a bit less there) for about the same cash as Amazon.


Comanche Hill

The personal blog of Mark Morga.

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